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How to send short messages to German cellular phones

Some basics

ok, in Germany we have (up to now) four different phone companies who provide cellular phone services.

Every company has its own area code numbers

D1 Telekom 0170, 0171
D2 Mannesmann Mobilfunk 0172, 0173
Eplus 0177
Viag Interkom 0179

so if someone gives you a German phone number like  +49 171 1234567

you are now able to tell him that the provider for this number is 'D1 Telekom'

in this little example +49 is the country code for Germany. In a normal international call from the US you have to translate this to 01149

171  stands for the area code from 'D1 Telekom'  (there is no 0 because this 0 is replaced by the country code - it is simply not necessary in international calls)

1234567 is the cell phone number.


ok, lets get started


Lycos Free SMS-Service 

First click on the "Akzeptieren" - button (it is the left yellow button)

in the next page you have to choose the right area code  (so for example  you select "D2 0172" for D2 Mannesmann Mobilfunk) in the first drop down field

in the empty field next to the area code drop down list (right side) you have to enter the cell phone number

ok next you type your message in the field below these two fields. below the message field there is a number counting down from 130. This is the information how many characters are left.

You send the message by clicking on the button "Abschicken"

"Bitte warten" means "Please wait" or "stand by, please"

The message is send if there is a page shown with a big "Vielen Dank!" (Thank you)


SMS Service 2tell 

with this service you can send a maximum of 5 messages per cell phone number per day. the service supports every provider.

First you click on "send a free SMS"

then you choose the area code from the drop down list

in the field right to this drop down you enter the cell phone number

in the big field below the number fields you enter your message (up to 130 characters) (this service doesn't like special characters like the ' )

you finish your message by activating the checkbox and clicking 'ABSENDEN'  (don't forget to activate the little checkbox)